One-click to purchase is the devil's work.

In an attempt to fight off my online shopping impulses, I thought of a Chrome extension that measures how much something is truly worth to me. Y'know, on my own terms. 

The Worth It Chrome Extension replaces the price of any item with your own brand of currency, so you can see exactly what it's really worth to you. That leather jacket you're considering? What if you knew it cost five-five burritos? Or twice your rent? Might make you think twice.  

Worth It provides customized-cost context for whatever you’re considering in your cart. (whoa that was a lot of c's).

How Worth it Works


How Worth it Works - GIF Edition


Worth it Working in the Wild


Where Worth it Is Now

We are currently in alpha phase, with our sites on the Chrome Web Store soon!


UX/Coding/Production/XD who agreed to make something with me when I randomly FB messaged him one day: Xia Du
Logo/Design/Art Director Goddess: Alex McClelland